Details and rates
Premium services or extras vary from home to home. Please read through in case something applies that you may not have considered. Most extras are an additional $5-15/day.
These things include but aren't limited to the following:
Additional time/Physical Labor:
* Puppy/kitten/kit/elder/special needs care that requires more frequent presence, potty cleanups, etc.
* Animals that require significant wrangling to get back into an enclosure/cage/etc or to give medication
* Visits that are guaranteed to be more than 25 min each day (I almost always stay longer, but there is a fee for it to be a guarantee)
*Any sort of daily extensive cleaning that extends beyond basic litter scooping, sweeping, occasional accident clean up, simple/light box or newspaper changes (i.e., rabbits/birds), etc. (fee may applly to multiple trips up and down stairs -- especially carrying things)
* Garden or Plant care that exceeds 5-10 min/is daily/requires multiple trips for water, unwieldy garden hoses, etc (please note that my thumb is a bit more yellow/chartreuse than green but I do my best!)
* More than half an hour of play a day, (if dogs: in addition to walks)
* Multiple walks a day or extra long walks (beyond 20 min a day of total walk time -- currently unavailable)
* Non-pill pocket/food mixed medications (i.e., ointments, oral applications, eye drops, or anything requiring burritoing/swaddling)
* Strict scheduling for feeding or medicine times (currently unavailable)
* Traveling up to the higher levels of Oakland Hills or outside Oakland altogether (Available locations: Alameda, Berkeley, San Leandro, and Emeryville). Additional fees are based on distance and drive time.
* Busy "minor" or single-day holidays (Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Easter, Spring Break, etc): Additional $5/day applies to one day before and after the holiday period/day. For three-day weekends (starting Friday or Monday) it is one day before and after that period (i.e., a holiday falling on a Friday would be $5/day more for Thursday-Monday, and a holiday falling on a Monday would be Friday-Tuesday).
* Busy "major" holidays (Thanksgiving and Winter Holidays): Additional $10/day applies to the entire week of Thanksgiving and to the last two weeks of December through the first week of January.